Free Walking Tour vs. Guided Tour Amsterdam: Which is worth it?

Your trip to Amsterdam is booked, firmly in the diary and you’re off in a few days. It’s your first time in our charming canal city and you want to get to know as much of the city as possible in a short space of time. The most beautiful canals, crooked houses, coolest neighbourhoods, the history of the city and perhaps a bite or two of delicious local cuisine…
Of course, you can find lots of information about sights, trendy neighbourhoods and food recommendations in travel guides or online. However, the real hidden gems and insider tips are usually provided by friends and acquaintances – or by a local! City tours are therefore a great way to get a completely different view of a new city. You’ll be travelling in small groups with your own guide, who will show you the most beautiful corners of the city + personal recommendations. This way you can avoid all the tourist traps and discover our beautiful capital from the perspective of a local. Great, isn’t it? 😊
However, the choice online is endless and you are often spoilt for choice. We therefore present the two most popular options (free walking tour vs. guided tour) and discuss the pros and cons so that you can find the city tour that suits you best.

Free Walking Tour: Really so free?
Almost every city offers so-called “free walking tours”. In other words, a city tour that is apparently completely free of charge. This is actually only the case at first glance. Of course, your guide can’t live on air and love alone, so how does he or she earn money with the free walking tour in Amsterdam?
The whole thing runs on an incentive model. The tour does not have a fixed price, but instead a tip is requested at the end. Everyone can then give as much as the tour is worth to them individually. Attention: Normally at least 10 – 20€ per person are expected! Of course, it’s up to you how much you want to give at the end. Of course, this is a great way to save money and you can get an extremely cheap tour. This model is particularly great for young people who would otherwise not be able to afford a city tour.
However, this is often extremely disadvantageous for your guide. Free walking tours are not specifically regulated or protected, which means that the guide often has to bear the entire risk. In addition, the guides are often not paid a reasonable wage and only receive a share of the tips. This makes the job very stressful for the guide and can make it difficult – especially in our expensive Amsterdam – to stay afloat.
So if you decide to take the Free Walking Tour in Amsterdam, keep this in mind and have a fair tip ready if you enjoyed the tour. 😊
Overview Free Walking Tour:
➕ Cheapest option for a city tour
➕/➖ The guide is not necessarily officially trained and certified
➖ The term “free” is misleading, as a tip of at least €10 – €20 is expected at the end
➖ No financial security for the guide, who often bears the entire risk alone

Guided Tours: Worth the price?
For city tours that you book with official organisations (such as Amsterdamliebe <3), you can assume that the guides will definitely be better paid. A tip is a nice extra, but the guides don't rely on it for their livelihood and you are not expected to tip them in advance. Guided tours are therefore on average a few euros more expensive than free walking tours. However, you are not only investing in a great experience (and sometimes a museum ticket), but above all in the support and financial security of your guide. In addition, you are more likely to get a well-trained guide who is certified. Why is this important?
On the one hand, so that you can rely on the facts! Of course, you are also going on the city tour so that you can take exciting knowledge home with you. It goes without saying that due diligence in researching and selecting reputable sources is essential. What’s more, as a guide on a city tour in Amsterdam, you have to be prepared for anything. Sometimes we’re not just city guides, but also mediators, neighbourhood coordinators, group cohesion experts and entertainers all in one! 😄 In our beautiful city, you’ll encounter all kinds of adventures and it’s always a good idea for your guide to have an experienced agency at their side that offers training for all situations and can provide the guide with advice and support. So if you book with a certified provider, you ensure that your guide is doing as well as possible. And this is guaranteed to have a positive effect on your tour experience. 😊
Overview Guided Tour:
➕The guide is (usually) paid fairly and is not dependent on tips
➕The guide is professionally trained and is supported by his agency
➖ The tour price is usually higher at first glance

Whichever city tour you choose, your guide is sure to be looking forward to seeing you! The Amsterdamliebe team wishes you lots of fun on the tour. ❤️