Amsterdam’s red light district – more than just sex, drugs and rock’n’roll

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Let’s talk about (the) sex(iest part of Amsterdam), baby – our infamous red light district! Anyone who strays into our beautiful canal city of Amsterdam will sooner or later walk past the odd red-lit shop window where scantily clad ladies are on show. Before you know it, you’ll be standing in the middle of the “Wallen” – probably the most famous red light district in the world. And things definitely heat up here, because in no other neighbourhood in Amsterdam do the city’s history and modern life come together in such a captivating way. It is therefore worthwhile not to turn back straight away, but to explore the mysterious streets and alleyways and take a look behind the scenes of the sex trade. But where exactly is the red light district, what is there to see and what rules should be observed? We have summarised all the information you need to know regarding Amsterdams red light district so that you are prepared for your tour of discovery through the Wallen.

Oudezijds Achterburgwal Amsterdam
A marvellous view of the Oudezijds Achterburgwal.

Where is Amsterdam’s red light district?

Amsterdam’s red light district – the so-called ‘Rosse Buurt’ (pink neighbourhood) – is divided into three parts and comprises around 300 shop windows. You can see if you’re really in the right place when the (red) light comes on 😉
The most famous and largest part of the Red Light District is the “Wallen”, which stretches between Dam Square, Nieuwmarkt (Neumarkt) and China Town. True to the motto “sex sells”, you can find everything your heart desires here – from a condomery and a prostitution museum to peep shows, erotic bars and sex theatres to red-lit shop windows behind which scantily clad ladies loll around and offer sexual services.

In the two other areas of the Rosse Buurt, which are located on the Singelgracht (between Radhuisstraat and Central Station) and in De Pijp (near the Rijksmuseum), only window prostitution is offered.
For the ultimate Red Light District experience, we therefore recommend exploring the streets along the Wallen (Warmoesstraat, Oudekerksplein, Oudezijds Voorburgwal, Oudezijds Achterburgwal, Zeedijk, Nieuwmarkt).

Banana bar in the red light district
Amsterdam’s red light district: whether it’s a hot lap dance or exoticism in the banana bar.

How safe is a visit to Amsterdam’s red light district?

Hold on tight! The red light district of Amsterdam is in and of itself a completely normal residential and working-class neighbourhood. This means that in addition to the many curious tourists, the streets are also full of locals. From long-established Amsterdam couples to hip students and young families with children, everyone can be found here. In general, the neighbourhood is relatively safe. Nevertheless, this extravagant neighbourhood also attracts the odd thief or drug dealer. So it’s best to leave your gold Rolex at the hotel, keep your valuables close to your body and simply pay no attention to shady characters who chat you up from the side and try to sell you colourful pills.

De Gestreelde Borst Amsterdam
There is an exciting myth surrounding the infamous breastplate…

What entertaining attractions are on offer in the red light district?

First things first: there’s nothing that doesn’t exist in Amsterdam’s red light district. It all starts with window shopping, because behind the numerous shop windows you can see a lot of naked skin as well as a bunch of exquisite souvenirs. Depending on how popular you want to make yourself with your (future) parents-in-law, you can choose between harmless tulip magnets (inspired by the well-known flower sex), inconspicuous salt and pepper shakers (whose shape turns out to be a penis on closer inspection) or friendly, shiny porcelain condoms in XXL format as a souvenir. So you’ve been warned ;-).

Strip club, sex theatre, or the banana bar?

Of course, there is nothing wrong with taking a look inside one of the neon-lit establishments for research purposes (or out of sheer curiosity). All you need is some cash and not too high expectations. Then you can plunge straight into love paradise: on the Oudezijds Achterburgwal there are shop windows, strip clubs and sex theatres as far as the eye can see.
The Casa Rosso and the Moulin Rouge are probably the best-known addresses in Amsterdam when it comes to erotic theatre. Here you can watch the finest striptease and sex shows. The cost is around 50 euros per person.
Naughty fruit and table dancing sound like music to your ears? Then you should visit the banana bar or ‘La Vie en Proost‘. Here, sweet girls will serve you hot dances and cold spirits at salty prices.

If you are interested in the cheaper (red) light version, you can simply visit the peep show at the Sex Palace. For two euros, you’ll be treated to two minutes of hot dancing through a peep window, in which scantily clad ladies artfully contort themselves on a revolving stage and slowly but surely drop their covers. On our “Exclusive” red light tour, we will of course visit the peep show together.

Sex Palace Amsterdam
You can still experience one of the last genuine peep shows in Amsterdam’s red light district!

What cultural and culinary highlights are there to discover in Amsterdam’s Red Light District?

Chic cafés & lunch options

Sex sells – but so do good coffee and exciting culture! 🙂 In addition to sex theatres and the like, numerous quaint cafés and restaurants, small local shops and some historical treasures await you in the red light district. It’s also worth strolling through the district in daylight, paying a visit to the Condomerie, the upcycling store and the chocolate shop “Cacao & Spice” and taking in the colourful hustle and bustle over a cup of coffee. Is coffee culture a top priority for you? Then the Oude Kerk is your place to be! The sacristy of the church was transformed into the “Koffieschenkerij”in 2013. This cosy café serves home-baked cakes and freshly brewed coffee specialities that will make the heart of any cake and coffee junkie beat faster. Anyone looking for a more detailed guide to the best coffee & cake in Amsterdam can take a look at the 6 best cakes in Amsterdam

Culture & History

For true culture lovers, there is definitely no way around the Ouden Kerk (Old Church). The Gothic building from the 13th century is located in the heart of the Wallen, making it the oldest building in Amsterdam. So it’s no wonder that there are a few secrets hidden both in front of and behind the thick church walls. Find out what the Oude Kerk has to do with prostitution (quite a lot!), what the bronze breast embedded in front of the church entrance is all about and which world-famous woman’s spouse was buried under the church on our informative red light tour.

Want to delve even deeper into the history of the neighbourhood? Then we recommend taking a detour along Europe’s largest Buddhist “He Hua” (lotus flower) temple on the Zeedijk at the end of the tour. It’s also worth exploring the Oude Kerk, the ‘Ons’ lieve heer op zolder’ church and the Basilica of St Nicholas on your own.

Our secret dinner tips

If you fancy a hearty meal, you can fortify yourself with the best avocado sandwich in town at “Ivy and Bros” or let yourself be seduced into the Orient for a while at the “Mata-Hari” restaurant and indulge in delicious mezze. Yes, we didn’t promise you too much. The red light district makes every visitor’s heart beat faster.

Oude Kerk in the red light district
Around the Oude Kerk you can discover a number of highlights and find cosy bars to stop off at.

Is a guided tour of Amsterdam’s red light district worthwhile? And what are the differences between the Red Light Tour and the Red Light Tour “Exclusive”?

Of course, you can easily explore the red light district on your own, but a guided tour of Amsterdam’s Eldorado is definitely worthwhile. How do the ladies get to their shop windows? Why are some rooms lit blue instead of red? Can the ladies choose their clients themselves? Does forced prostitution play a role in Amsterdam? And how does a visit to a prostitute actually work? We have the right answers to all your questions and can also provide you with intimate insider information that you won’t find in any travel guide.

As you can already guess, Amsterdam’s red light district is a real tourist magnet. For this reason, the city introduced a regulation in April 2020 that prohibits groups of more than four people + a guide from walking past the ladies’ shop windows. We therefore offer our red light tour in two different versions:
(1) Our general red light tour focuses on the red light district, but does not pass the windows with the sex workers. After the tour, you can explore the entire red-light district on your own with a wealth of insider knowledge.
(2) On our “Exclusive” red light tour, we explore the red light district in a group of a maximum of four people + guide, walk along the shop windows together and visit the peep show.

Both tour options can be booked as a public or private tour. If you book the Red Light Tour Exclusive for more than four people, your group will be split up between several guides.

Red Light District Tour
Our guides will lead you through the neighbourhood with wit and charm

What are the rules in the red light district in Amsterdam?

Safety first – this doesn’t just apply in bed, but also for your visit to the red light district. That’s why we’ve put together a few do’s and don’ts for you so that you can leave the red light district without any unpleasant incidents:

Respect and tolerance are very important in the red light district. Stroll past the shop windows at a normal walking pace and smile at the ladies in a friendly manner. As Aretha Franklin sings so beautifully, just show R-E-S-P-E-C-T to the sex workers, dancers and waiters.
Looking allowed, touching only for money. Please remember that we’re not talking about circus monkeys here, but ladies and gentlemen who are doing their job quite seriously.

Carry your valuables close to your body. And leave the big gold jewellery in the hotel. That way you won’t tempt thieves and pickpockets in the first place.

Photography and/or filming is taboo. Not even sneaky with your mobile phone, as the sex workers, dancers, waiters and security staff can’t take a joke.
If you’re smart, you don’t even take your smartphone and camera out of your pocket. After all, the ladies and gentlemen working in the neighbourhood can’t tell whether you’re taking photos or just typing a text message.
Drinking alcohol on the street is prohibited. So please leave the famous Fußpils or Wegbier at home, because risking a €95 fine is certainly “no fun”.

Do not buy and/or consume drugs on the street. No power to drugs. Want to try cannabis? Then read our blog about cannabis, space cake and co. and be sure to seek advice in a coffee shop.

La Vie en Proost entrance Amsterdam
La Vie en Proost – One of the many ways to be entertained in the red light district!

Now there’s not much left for us to do but wish you lots of fun in Europe’s most famous sex paradise. See you soon in Amsterdam’s red light district or on another exciting tour! Love, love & peace, your Amsterdamliebe team ❤️

Rotlichtviertel-Expertin Leo ❤️